Today I took a snapshot of a tedious daily activity that has never before been captured on film.

Sweeping behind the litterbox

Everytime the cats do their thing, they gleefully kick the litter behind the box. It's possibly their favorite activity

Every day I sweep it up. (I even have a special nasty broom for it) It's possibly my LEAST favorite activity.

When they hear me pulling the broom out, they run into the room to observe the ritual. They surround me and watch me sweeping up their mess with fascination. I'm convinced they throw the litter over the side, just to watch me clean it up afterwards.

I put the broom back in the closet and walk out.

Only to hear the sound of the litter hitting the floor again.

Good times. Alright, now that I'm done with that.. I'm heading out the door. I have a lot to do today and not much time.

What's your least favorite activity?

Day 101 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:34 PM |


At Sunday, January 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Least favorite activity, hmm can I say going to work? I sort of hate scrubbing the tub.
Will the cats use a covered litterbox? Might not allow for as much kicking of litter(although Im sure they would figure it out some how!)

At Sunday, January 21, 2007, Blogger candoor 

I must have one, but nothing in particular comes to mind... cleaning the bathroom, maybe... or cleaning up after roommates might be closer, but then, I don't do that often... could be dealing with liars and cruel people...

anyway, for the cats, the covered litterbox is a good idea... I used to put a larger box with the front wall cut out around and under the catbox so I could lift out the cat box and then just lift out the larger box and dump the contents... though more space is needed to do that...

At Sunday, January 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

My least favorite activity is the same as Brandy

Going to work

By the way, My cats do that too! It's very very annoying!

At Thursday, January 25, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Although cleaning the litterbox is icky, I hate vacuuming far worse. I hate the noise they make - so I'm a bit like my cats, except that I can't hide in the other room while the vacuum is running.
