Day 88 - Favorite books, originally uploaded by clarity25.

“Books are the compasses and telescopes and sextants and charts which other men have prepared to help us navigate the dangerous seas of human life.”

I don't have many books.

I used to have hundreds. But everytime I moved from one location to the next, I let go of more and more of them. I gave them away or donated them because I didn't have enough space in the moving boxes.

Now this is all I'm left with, the ones I couldn't force myself part with and always found space for. These are some of my favorite books. If you look at the titles, you can see a lot of my philosophical influences. My books are tattered, worn, and all dog-eared. They each have a history to them.

I'm pointing to my 2 most treasured books

"Butterflies are free" by Leonard Gershe (the original 1969 edition)


"The Stranger" by Albert Camus

Not only are they intense and beautiful books (although, completely different in every respect) They're also treasured GIFTS. I wouldn't sell either of them for any amount of money in the world. . You would have to pry them out of my cold dead hands.

What's your all time favorite book?

Today was Eric's day off. We have a new overseas art project, we worked on some sketches and read a little. He's making dinner right now, I'm going to wander into the kitchen and help him. I think we're having Spaghetti and he tends to get very experimental...

I can't leave him alone in the kitchen.

Day 89 of 365 days

(You can also view this bigger to see the book titles if you're curious)

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:32 PM |


At Friday, January 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

The road less traveled is a great book!

At Friday, January 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

i love road less traveled. it helped me a lot after doug broke up with me. and love love love 'on love'

At Sunday, January 21, 2007, Blogger candoor 

choosing a favorite anything is not easy for me... I usually choose a top ten in no particular order, even a top 100... books, the three mentioned here (and others on your shelf would be top 100, easy... The Stranger is my roommate's favorite book, she claims it helped form her life philosophy (she turned 18 in Decelber)... I fell in love with Goldie Hawn the first time I watched Butterflies are Free... I know, film is not the book, but still, great film, greater book... Illusions by Richard Bach always finds it's way on the a shelf wherever I live... as does Tale of Two Cities by Dickens... Time Enough for Love by Heinlein... The Loarx (and others) by Dr. Suess... Neil Gaimen is growing in my library... I love Stephen King's way with words... Waiting For Godot by Beckett is another dog-earred book that finds it's way into my knapsack wherever I move...

and others I would be shocked to realize I left out later :)
