Day 84 - Holding hands, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Eric has the day off today. We spent it together. I love just sitting with him at the kitchen table and talking over coffee. After 4 and a half years of marriage, It's still my favorite way to pass the time together. (well... my second favorite)

I realize we might have been better off in Germany, things were easier there... It's been a struggle since returning to America. But we can't look back, we just have to keep trekking forward. As long as he's by my side and holding my hand, I know we're going to be okay.

I read this excerpt today in a book:

"You've got to suffer in order to truly appreciate. Be scared. Jump in the water anyway. If it's cold and you get a little shrinkage, so what? If you went with your gut, then you made the right decision. Second guessing is the worst. The worst. I hate it and I hate living my life that way. Maybe we're doubting because we've got less control over our position than we have had in the past. So when we get a chance to act, it drives us to the brink of insanity: "This decision I make could affect my life for the next dozen years". That's enough to drive anyone mad. But it's not a healthy way to think. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt and giving a new situation every possible chance to be a positive one. But if you make a choice and some time down the road it turns out to be a bad one, you also can't be afraid to move on."

We have a six month lease here. We'll see how the next 5 months go. We can either continue the lease or move on.

At least we haven't heard anymore hysterical screams from the upstairs neighbors, so things are calming down. Next step is to introduce ourselves...It never hurts to know your neighbors, right?

Day 84 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:25 PM |

