Day 74 - random, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I'm not feeling very inspired today... as you can see.

But Here's a shot of me picking out a fresh pair of socks for the day. Christmas is coming up, so I'm opting for the Grey and Red Stripes. You get an intimate glimpse into my messy sock drawer. (Nymphobrainiac - Yeah, go ahead. take your pick, you can have any of them. Unfortunately, A lot of them are in the wash at the moment though. so the pickings are slim.)

Yes, I really need to organize that drawer and maybe find the match for the ones that lost their life partners.

One of these days.

Random Question: Do you consider yourself an organized person. How often to you have to look for your keys?

There was an electrical short in our flat at 4:00 A.M.

One minute I was making breadrolls, the next minute I was thrown into absolute darkness. I fumbled around aimlessly searching for a flashlight... but that was in one of the unpacked boxes. I don't even know where the circuit box is in our new apartment.

I couldn't find my cellphone to call Eric. So I just sat there in the dark. Luckily I have a laptop. But eventually that battery died too.

I munched on my half-baked breadrolls and sipped my cold coffee. A wonderful start to the day.

I have to head out for last minute Christmas shopping and I think Eric took my set of house keys along with his own to work.


I hope this isn't an indication of how the rest of my day is going to be...

Day 74 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:17 PM |


At Tuesday, April 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

A friend of mine recently introduced me to your blog. You have a very unique style of writing. I look forward to reading to rest. The socks are so cute seeing them in a lot of pictures, where did you ever find them? My daughter would love a pair. Good luck and keep on writing!
