Day 199 - plane tickets, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I don't know if this silly thrown together self-portrait adequately expresses my excitement over this new development.

But if you didn't already figure it out from the picture...

We are going to San Francisco in 3 days!!

My Aunt works for a major airline and I called her up. I told her that we really wanted to visit our friend in San Francisco before we moved there. Just a few days to get a feel for the city, potential jobs and the apartment we'll be living in.

My Aunt immediately signed us up for the family member discount flight plan and booked us Stand by tickets at a REALLY CHEAP rate.

We're so happy and so GRATEFUL! Eric and I did a happy dance around the livingroom tonight.

Tomorrow we'll be requesting a short leave of absence from our jobs and Thursday morning at 5:30 A.M., we'll be hopefully on a flight to San Francisco!. (I've never had stand by tickets before so I don't know how it works. If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know) We'll be returning on Monday

This will be my first time in California...

In 3 days we'll be visiting our future home!!

Day 199 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 6:51 PM |


At Tuesday, July 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Very cool Clarity! Have fun.

At Tuesday, July 17, 2007, Blogger Jen 

Never flown standby, but good luck!

Found a website with some good tips:

Hope you have a great trip!!

Jen (ameliorating)

At Tuesday, July 17, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I've flown stand-by many times as my aunt used to work for TWA.

I get to list my mother regularly for stand-by flights, too, these days because since my uncle died, my Mom is my aunt's "partner" which means she gets to fly free. Anyway, I'm not sure which airline your aunt works for, but you can't list on American (who bought TWA) prior to 4 hours before the flight. And the sooner you list the person the higher they are on the list. Now, airline employees will probably rank higher than you, but besides listing, it might help to get to the airport at least two hours ahead of time. You might ask your aunt how her airline works, because I've missed flights on stand-by and it kind of sucks.

I'm so glad you're going to SF! Pack layers for the trip. You probably won't need shorts (unless they're having a heat wave, but it's not usual this time of year). Jeans, slacks, t-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, cardigans...etc. Be prepared to walk a lot, so sensible shoes are smart, although you'd be surprised at the number of girls in SF who do not wear sensible shoes.

Call me if you have any additional questions!!! Love ya!

At Tuesday, July 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

ohmygod, I am SO fucking excited for you. I visited CA this past weekend and it was awesome. So different and you are going to love it. SF has a great energy. can't wait to hear more.

At Wednesday, July 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Yay, congratulations!! Hope you both have a great time in San Francisco and that it is everything you hoped for!

At Wednesday, July 18, 2007, Blogger Nightmare 

If you have the time go to "The stinking Rose restaurant 325 Columbus Ave SF CA 94133 It is fabulous! If you like garlic! you can check out the website too at

Have a blast! San Francisco is one of the coolest places on the planet!

At Wednesday, July 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Have a good time in SanFran, I'm sure you will love it! I mean it's the home of Rice a Roni so what is not to love??

At Wednesday, July 18, 2007, Blogger Bernice Sequin 

You are going to LOVE San Francisco. I was there a few months back and words cannot describe how amazing I thought that city was. Have an amazing time!
