Day 61 - Lazy Sunday, originally uploaded by clarity25.

"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.

Remember this - very little is needed to make a happy life."


It actually isn't a Lazy Sunday. There is a lot to do today.

I just took 15 minutes to step away from it all and be lazy. Life is so short. It doesn't hurt to take a moment to appreciate it. A moment to look at how far you've come and where you're heading.

I sat in my room and gazed out the window. The afternoon light is fading.I watched a little girl run down the driveway to pick up the newspaper and run back into the house laughing because she was still in her pajamas in public. I listened to the sound of my husband's voice as he sang along with "Soul to Squeeze" by Red Hot Chili peppers in the livingroom. I felt the warmth of the heat kicking in and streaming from the ceiling vents. I enjoyed the taste of coffee as I sipped it from my second hand shop mug.

We might not have much as far as finances right now (Okay, so we're poor...I'm not exaggerating on the starving artists description)

but we're happy. We have good friends, a good marriage, a good life. The housewarming party last night had been fun, our friends came with baskets filled with wine, tea, cookies and even a little portable stovetop. I'm so grateful for them, for everything.

**If you're reading this right now, take a moment to appreciate what you have. Life is fleeting and yes, this IS as good as it gets.**

My coffee cup is empty now. Time to get back to work.

Day 61 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:55 PM |

