Day 59 - At the Art table, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Our former boss from Germany called us up and asked us to create the promotional Christmas card for the company this year as a freelance job.

We only have one art table and one work computer, so we are taking turns. Eric is doing the preliminary sketches and then I'm drawing out the details and coloring it. He'll scan it in and put in the Text.

We need to have it finished by Tuesday.

This is just a snapshot I took while Eric was sketching at the art table. I was reading to him and just chatting while I waited for him to finish the first thumbnail sketches. (those are my feet on the bed)

I miss our old job in Germany, It's nice to work together on a project again.

Day 59 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:52 PM |

