It was so nice waking up in the morning in our new flat. Eric had to go to work at 3:45 A.M., so woke up at 2:30

We padded barefoot across the wooden floors to the bathroom and took a long warm shower together. I put on my oversized fluffy robe that Eric bought for me as an early christmas gift.

Then we made some toast and two cups of Ramen Noodles. Not a "proper breakfast" but We haven't done any grocery shopping yet! So...we had to improvise...

We threw down a picnic blanket and sat indianstyle on the livingroom floor to eat. (we don't have a kitchen table yet and we don't even have an oven yet either. The landlord only provided us with a new fridge, the tenants have to buy their own stove)

But despite all the things we're lacking, It was the best breakfast EVER.

Day 57 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:51 PM |

