Day 54 - The morning after, originally uploaded by clarity25.

The morning after the party, I woke up on my friend's sofa on top of my husband. Another friend was snoring on the arm chair next to us.

Streamers hung haphazardly from the ceiling...The coffee table was was playing from the flickering television... sunlight was streaming in from the window.

My head was pounding. My mouth was dry. The room was spinning.

I stumbled into my friend's kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of spring water and sat down at the table. THAT was my view.

I knew we had a lot of cleaning up to do from the party but I could barely hold my head up.

I also knew it was going to be a long day.


Next stop was the christmas party at my husband's job. I wasn't feeling up to it but we dragged ourselves there at 7 p.m.

It was fun. A lot of music, prizes and raffle tickets.

We walked off with a 100 dollar gift certificate to Toys R Us, 2 coffee mugs and a pot of poinsettas.

We just returned home,This was a long weekend. Now I'm exhausted.

Day 54 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:48 PM |

