Day 55 - Packing boxes, originally uploaded by clarity25.

The entire day was spent packing. We're still not entirely finished.

We also went to the thrift shop and bought a bunch of things for our new flat. We were like two kids playing house. "Should we buy the 1970's "Mr. Coffee" version of a Coffee maker or the 1980's "Dial-a-brew"?" We picked out really unique plate sets, individual mugs. "I'm really digging this Bowling association Mug..." "I'm leaning more for the..."World's Greatest Grandmother" cup to be honest.." It was so much fun and we were cracking eachother up. Not having much money makes every small thing very special and individual. Each item in our new apartment is going to have a unique story behind it.

We move out tomorrow...

Day 55 of 365 Days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:49 PM |

