I wonder if Michael realizes that he's going to be facing some major changes..

He can sense the anticipation, feel that something is brewing...He looks at us with intense curiosity while we talk excitedly about moving to San Francisco.

We've been discussing the dilemna of...HOW to get him and Fiona to California. We can't take them on a week long road trip in our tiny Corolla packed filled with our belongings. Even with a bunch of sedatives, I don't even think there will be any room for two cats and the bulky traveling crates.

We keep hearing horror stories about flying your pets separately in cargo and things that have occured to other people's cats, dogs, birds..etc.

There HAS to be an AFFORDABLE and SAFE way to ship your cats to another state.

There just has to be....

We'll find a way.

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 4:29 PM |


At Saturday, July 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Some airlines will allow you to bring pets in carriers in the cabin, as long as the carrier fits under the seat. So why don't you and Eric find cheap flights that allow you to do that and when you go to SanFran before you move bring them then?
If it makes you feel any better my friend Sarah has flown her cats and dog close to 20 times now, across the country to other countries etc, no harm has ever come to them. The safe arrivals far out number the few horror stories.

At Sunday, July 15, 2007, Blogger Pisceanchick 

We flew our kitty from B.C., Canada to London, UK, and then Ireland. Everything went fine and he was in the cargo when we were in the cabin. I would do some research on sedatives because apparently being at high altitudes on the sedatives may not be good for them. I will ask my co-worker for advice (she shipped her three cats from Italy to Canada and they even have passports :D Thinking of you guys, from portia12
