I don't know if this silly thrown together self-portrait adequately expresses my excitement over this new development.
But if you didn't already figure it out from the picture...
We are going to San Francisco in 3 days!!
My Aunt works for a major airline and I called her up. I told her that we really wanted to visit our friend in San Francisco before we moved there. Just a few days to get a feel for the city, potential jobs and the apartment we'll be living in.
My Aunt immediately signed us up for the family member discount flight plan and booked us Stand by tickets at a REALLY CHEAP rate.
We're so happy and so GRATEFUL! Eric and I did a happy dance around the livingroom tonight.
Tomorrow we'll be requesting a short leave of absence from our jobs and Thursday morning at 5:30 A.M., we'll be hopefully on a flight to San Francisco!. (I've never had stand by tickets before so I don't know how it works. If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know) We'll be returning on Monday
This will be my first time in California...
In 3 days we'll be visiting our future home!!
Day 199 of 365 days