Day 34 - in the mirror, originally uploaded by clarity25.

This picture was taken in the car. We were heading to the barber shop. My husband cut his long locks He looks all clean-cut and boyish now. I like it.

A few people asked me about my background story.

I was born and raised in the U.S. I went to Art College. . I married the love of my life after graduation and moved to Germany for four years. During that time we traveled a lot thru Europe.

We're both Artists and we worked together in the same company. He was the art director and I was the illustrator.

We just moved back America 5 months ago because my family was going through some hard times and I needed to be closer to them.

Lets see...I like sushi... a lot. I'm afraid of spiders. I can't whistle. I'm working as a free-lance artist now.

That's me in a nutshell.

Day 34 of 365 Days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:31 PM |

