Day 31 - whose fault?, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Here's the story behind this abstract piece of art.

Individual 1# thought that the inside of the oven was a good place to store all the plastic tupperware

Individual 2# Pre-heated the oven to make brownies without looking inside.

Individual 3# (me) walks into kitchen and asks "What is that horrible smell?"

Smoke billows out of oven, all the bowls are melted and dripping. Fight breaks out.

Individual 1#"You should look into the oven before you turn it on!! Are you brainless?"

Individual 2# "It's not MY fault! You shouldn't use the oven as a container for plastic tupperware!! That's retarded!!"

Individual 3# (rips one plastic strainer off grill, silently walks into bedroom and snaps a photo)

I live in a crazy house.

I want to move back to Germany.

Day 31 of 365 Days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:28 PM |

